Course Modules

    1. Welcome to the Studio Fundamentals Training

    2. Helpful Experience

    3. Supplies for this Training

    1. Introduction to Cloudpaging

    2. Cloudpaging to Deliver an App

    3. About Applications and Appsets

    4. How to Test a Virtual Application

    5. How Virtual Apps Behave

    6. Terminology

    7. Lab Work

    8. Module 1 Exam

    1. Overview

    2. Preparing the Studio VM

    3. Studio Feature Overview - Tabs

    4. Studio Feature Overview - Toolbar and Settings

    5. Studio UI Recap

    6. Appset Naming

    7. Basic Packaging

    8. Package Cleaning

    9. Lab Work

    10. Module 2 Exam

    1. Overview

    2. Disposition Layers Demo - Video

    3. Options when Capturing Apps - Video

    4. Capturing multiple installations

    5. Captures that don't end automatically

    6. Discovering Dependencies

    7. Capturing into Different Layers - Video 2

    8. Global Disposition - Video 3

    9. Low Touch Packaging

    10. Lab Work

    11. Module 3 Exam

    1. Overview

    2. File and Folder Settings

    3. Registry View Tab

    4. Cloudify OpenOffice, VC++, and JRE - Video Lesson 1

    5. Capturing and Importing Settings

    6. Environment Variables

    7. Startup processes

    8. Fonts

    9. Security overrides

    10. Finalize Appset

    11. Lab Work

    12. Module 4 Exam

    1. Overview

    2. Adding a Configurable AppEvent

    3. Using Studio to capture Visual Studio Community

    4. Demo - Fire all CAE triggers

    5. Lab Work

    6. Module 5 Exam

AppsAnywhere Associate

  • Free
  • 69 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content


  • How many courses are there?

    We're working hard to create an extensive library of courses covering a wide range of topics and will be constantly adding new courses as time goes on.

  • Should I have access to every course?

    Once you have created an account, your dedicated Customer Success Manager will enrol you on all available courses. You will receive an email notification when your enrolment is complete. Please note this may take up to 5 working days.

  • Can I study the Advanced Packager course?

    The Advanced Packager course has been designed for packagers who have completed the AppsAnywhere Associate Course, although it is available to everyone.